Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cemetery Skate (1998) ArkhangeL DiE ElektrokuxiouN KoyotE

Cemetery Skate was written on June 23, 1998

It's part of one of the many trilogies ArkhangeL has written. It's all about a girl of course, and yes she was alive, but dead on the video. The Video is like having a date on a cemetery, skateboard and alcohol bottles included. Based loosely on a dream / reality mix. Lyrics are below and there is a demo electro psychodelic experimental song floating around.

Cemetery Skate Demo

You Can Hear The Song Here

"Cemetery Skate":

Zenith in my blue and dark sky
A black rainbow by my side
In a cloud where I am Flying
Lying and resting out of my mind
Evening from a rainy and cloudy day
No Sun is shining today (this day)
Even when I am the Sun, My Diabla

Lyrics from the latest song I recorded, for my DiablA

©‡ArkhangeL DiE ElektrokuxiouN KoyotE VoN SataN De DieouX‡
IV 23 VI 1998 XXXII
IV 29 VI 1998 XXXII

Lyrics Copy/Pasted from http://web.archive.org/web/19991023083322/http://www.prtc.net/~dekoyote/poetry/zailenecemeteryskate.html

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