Monday, December 27, 2010

Inside Of You (2010) ArkhangeL DiE ElektrokuxiouN KoyotE

If I fall asleep again
will you let me lie down in your bed?

If I fall asleep again from grace
will you catch me if you can?

If I ever die on your arms
will you smoke my last breath?

Never Say Goodbye
Never Say Goodbye
Never Say Goodbye

Just hold me tight

Until I disintegrate

Just hold me down
until I lay down to rest

Inside You, Forever

12 XII 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Epitaph (2010) ArkhangeL DiE ElektrokuxiouN KoyotE


They say she liked me
but now it's a little late
I can't come back the way I used to be

I've changed
I've changed

a lot

I don't blame you
but I did it for you.

16 XII 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Helping The Poor (2001) ArkhangeL DiE ElektrokuxiouN KoyotE

Will You Help Them Too?

On a ghostly visit to the Santo Domingo Cathedral I found this beautiful statue. He looks so real that I beLIEve there's a Corpse living inside, What Are your thoughts about it? Is it an Ossuary?

Mobile Blogging from here.

Friday, December 24, 2010

5.4 #TemblorPR Earthquake (2010)

We Welcome the 5.4 #TemblorPR that happened a few minutes ago, This is just a Warning! Learn To Swim Motherfuckers! We wait for #TheBigOne

Official Info Here:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Suicide Me - AlponiAn PhilosophY TricK MiX (1998)

Just another version of Suicide Me (1998) It's just a story of one ArkhangeL and two girls, both being best friends and both being ArkhangeL's lovers.

"Suicide Me (AlponiAn PhilosophY TricK)": (DreaM)

My Body's dead
my brain got disconnected
my feelings want to hide again
no more tears will fall...

sweet and fragile
heart bleeding...
what's the next step?

Sometimes I just want to die
die again like on the last life
hide my feelings, lose my soul, kill my heart

But there's one more thing I want to do before I leave
make love to you... make you happy...

but what can I do?
what can I do?
cry? leave now? die again?
what can I do?
what can I do?
I have lost my life...
for you...

I know it's safe...
threw my feelings with no regret to the place...
where we used to be when we used to kiss for hours
then waking up to be staring at your eyes...

My Heart is so strange...
nobody can understand its whoreness...

Suicide... has become again an obsession for my life
an attempt to die... like a friend last week
that almost died for me...

Doubt in my best friend's head...
best friend of best friend despair...
simulating forbidden acts for you and me...
caught in camera for a second of bliss

Still having the same damn trauma
losing one, losing what I wanted
illusions of strange worlds
love that is forever strong enough
to break the waves of the island above
flying across some bedrooms
hiding myself from your mom
while we were kissing with our jolly rancher lips
making love without taking off a shirt
thinking that we were gods and it's nobody's fault
I will only blame on ourselves today...

I'll miss you sweet MavrI GatA
I can't let you go
I'll never let you go
I can't live without you anymore

but pain isn't enough for me
I need more and more
I want your love forever
even when I'll be dead and far in another floor

My obsession means two loves
two loves I die for
two loves I feel in my heart
two loves I psychosomatized for real

Fiction? everything is fiction
even ourselves
can't stop thinking about today...
It was so perfect
you and me...
I have never felt that before...

but what can I do?
we are all already dead...
we must admit that we must be buried
before we stink...

why your son is so problematic?
tremendous image you reflect
turned off the monitor on its own static
you're amazed of those effects

I'm still waiting
I guess I will die waiting
sleep deprivation ruling the night
no food, no water, no fun...
just falling in love

yes, I'm in love with both of you
what I'm supposed to do?
I can't avoid your lips
I can't avoid your voice
I can't avoid your love...

Suicide is not a solution
but the nearest one pollution
try it before to pay
then you tell me who you are

Sick of the same
no blue on the hair
hard water in the cold
split some smiles in the floor

sacrificing for love
sacrificing my love
friendship, long time saviour
to die in the end of the storm

we found the girl raped
alone in the window of the Church
soon the island will be covered
in waves of snowballs
in waves of hands waving goodbye

will you die now?
or you'll wait a little more?
where did you put your feelings?
did you take them back?

Suicide Me...
alone waiting on the phone
watching a storm of shooting stars in the skies of the worlds

Come back to me...
I'll still visiting you
I'll still loving you
even when everyone wants to...

But not us
we will not accept your strange behavior
but try to accept me
or maybe try to still loving me

or I swear I'm going to die...

"People are not just shot twice in the head here,
they're shot 17 times," Weber said.

©‡ArkhangeL DiE ElektrokuxiouN KoyotE VoN SataN De DieouX‡ ‡AlponiA‡
‡HigH PriesT, ChurcH Of JohtetT, EcclesiA Du AlponiA 00666‡
FoundeR Of AlponiA
Founder Of DiE ArkhangeL's KlanS

IV 16 XI 1998 XXXII
icq# 4659622

Edited from Copy/Paste

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sailing (1998) ArkhangeL DiE ElektrokuxiouN KoyotE

The Third Part of the 1998 Trilogy... Sailing.... I'm inclined to believe they are both dead by now, sailing to the other world... again.... I'm too lazy tonight to edit the words, so I'm gonna put them as they appeared online on the old web. Von Voyage!


I LovE to navigate this Sea
where I can feel my purity
where I can feel I'm loved by you
I'm an angel, I'm the demon inside you

I Love to be sailing, sailing
through the Sea of LovE and Darkness
I like to be sailing, I still sailing
in a boat of WingS and LovE
above the clouds
above the Sea
in the Sky flying falling in LovE with thee
above the clouds
above the Sea
I don't want to fall from here

Our LovE is ForeveR
yeah I like to be sailing
through this Sea of LovE and Darkness
ya know I'm dying for you

Navigating by The Devil's Hand
our Dual Force of AngelS and DemonS Fight
Fight for LovE, Fighting for Patria
Our LovE is so... perfect
I'm sailing, still sailing
I LovE you as I LovE this Madness
I want to sail
I want to be One
still with Me
still by my side

side... side... side side side!
LovE LovE LovE

I want to Hail
I want to be You

I want to sail
I want to LovE You
I want to stay in this state of LifE

AnchorS can't be throwed away

we're free from everything
You and Me

I LovE You Zailene.

©Arkhangel Die Elektrokuxioun Koyote
Priest, Church Of Johtett, Ecclesia Du AlponiA 00666
IV 9 VI 1998 XXXII

Copy/Pasted from

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Suicide Me (1998) ArkhangeL DiE ElektrokuxiouN KoyotE

Part of the Winter Of Horror Stories, Suicide Me was written in 1998 as part of the Trilogy that includes Cemetery Skate and the song Sailing.

This lyrics has been rewritten multiple times and there are dozens of versions, also live versions as well. Been played live only once in 1998. There's a Video of it... Part of the Sun Room Sessions.

Below is the Original Lyrics plus some live version lyrics mixed together tonight, yeah, I've just written a new version again!

Actually the song has been played in AlponiA hundreds of times. It's one of the classical song hits of the band.

I guess this one goes before Cemetery Skate... With Video continuation on the Cemetery. The Girl is a fan of ArkhangeL, she dies, then she is brought back as a ghost, The Ghost.

"SuicidE Me":

There's still BlooD in my veins
but its escaping through the rivers
that are causing FloodS
all over my AlponiA world

sometimes it's hard to believe
that there's no one behind the curtain

made of skin
made of tears
made of shit
made of fear
made of me
made of you

invading the OceanS of thy body
surfing in hands waving and
saying goodbye

Is this called Suicide?
Suicide..... Me

is this so hard to beLIEve?

it's there something about it that I can do?
it's so much fun
it's so PerfecT, like You
it's EverythinG, like You

Is this called Suicide?
Suicide..... Me

short hair
shaking head... no headbanging
just turning crazy

Suicide Me
Suicide Me

you must eat
to prove LifE
to prove LifE
trade... (LifE)
for Me...
where were you when I most needed you?

it's there something about it that I can do?
it's so PerfecT to be here
by your side

SuicidE Me
SuicidE Me
Oh... Mi AmoR

No HearT
No FeelingS
No TearS
No BlooD
Oh, ZailenE

Hiding inside Me
or inside You
We Are One
So We DiE...
without FeelinG.

©Arkhangel Die Elektrokuxioun Koyote
Priest, Church Of Johtett, Ecclesia Du AlponiA 00666
IV 14 VI 1998 XXXII

En la Garita del DiablO
yace la ultima firma de el ArkhangeL
desde ella se ha lanzado=~-(
firmada con lágrimas de sangre

Cemetery Skate (1998) ArkhangeL DiE ElektrokuxiouN KoyotE

Cemetery Skate was written on June 23, 1998

It's part of one of the many trilogies ArkhangeL has written. It's all about a girl of course, and yes she was alive, but dead on the video. The Video is like having a date on a cemetery, skateboard and alcohol bottles included. Based loosely on a dream / reality mix. Lyrics are below and there is a demo electro psychodelic experimental song floating around.

Cemetery Skate Demo

You Can Hear The Song Here

"Cemetery Skate":

Zenith in my blue and dark sky
A black rainbow by my side
In a cloud where I am Flying
Lying and resting out of my mind
Evening from a rainy and cloudy day
No Sun is shining today (this day)
Even when I am the Sun, My Diabla

Lyrics from the latest song I recorded, for my DiablA

©‡ArkhangeL DiE ElektrokuxiouN KoyotE VoN SataN De DieouX‡
IV 23 VI 1998 XXXII
IV 29 VI 1998 XXXII

Lyrics Copy/Pasted from